Vigenère Cipher Helper - codewars

Vigenère Cipher Helper - codewars


2019-01-11 19:41 阅读 1039 喜欢 1 维吉尼亚加解密 codewars

Vigenère Cipher Helper

The Vigenère cipher is a classic cipher originally developed by Italian cryptographer Giovan Battista Bellaso and published in 1553. It is named after a later French cryptographer Blaise de Vigenère, who had developed a stronger autokey cipher (a cipher that incorporates the message of the text into the key).
The cipher is easy to understand and implement, but survived three centuries of attempts to break it, earning it the nickname "le chiffre indéchiffrable" or "the indecipherable cipher."
From Wikipedia:

The Vigenère cipher is a method of encrypting alphabetic text by using a series of different Caesar ciphers based on the letters of a keyword. It is a simple form of polyalphabetic substitution. ... In a Caesar cipher, each letter of the alphabet is shifted along some number of places; for example, in a Caesar cipher of shift 3, A would become D, B would become E, Y would become B and so on. The Vigenère cipher consists of several Caesar ciphers in sequence with different shift values.

Assume the key is repeated for the length of the text, character by character. Note that some implementations repeat the key over characters only if they are part of the alphabet -- this is not the case here.
The shift is derived by applying a Caesar shift to a character with the corresponding index of the key in the alphabet.
Visual representation:
"my secret code i want to secure"  // message
"passwordpasswordpasswordpasswor"  // key
Write a class that, when given a key and an alphabet, can be used to encode and decode from the cipher.


var alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
var key = 'password';

// creates a cipher helper with each letter substituted
// by the corresponding character in the key
var c = new VigenèreCipher(key, alphabet);

c.encode('codewars'); // returns 'rovwsoiv'
c.decode('laxxhsj');  // returns 'waffles'
Any character not in the alphabet must be left as is. For example (following from above):
c.encode('CODEWARS'); // returns 'CODEWARS'

There's my solution below

function VigenèreCipher(key,abc){
    this.encode = function(str){
        return str.split('').map((item,i)=>{
            return abc.indexOf(item) > -1 ? 
            abc[(abc.indexOf(item) + abc.indexOf(key[i % key.length])) % abc.length]
            : item;
    this.decode = function(str){
        return str.split('').map((item,i)=>{
            return abc.indexOf(item) > -1 ? 
            abc[( abc.length + abc.indexOf(item) - abc.indexOf(key[i % key.length]) ) % abc.length]
            : item;

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评论信息 (请文明评论)
之前的时候都是在各大主机厂商手动进行申请免费的,直到阿里的免费期限变更为3个月.. 我就开始觉的有些麻烦了,还不如使用这个let's encrypt进行部署呢。
this 是 JavaScript 的一大难点,多年经验的前端程序员都可能对这方面模糊。this 在大量的函数、类库中都有使用,理清显式绑定和隐式绑定有助于理解或书写这类函数。
在使用echarts 来做统计报表的时候,由于数量较多,准备将同类型的相同属性抽取出来,然后用来做默认属性的。结果发现一个问题
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